Exacto Culture

Culture Club

Culture Club is a cornerstone of Exacto. It is a 100% employee-run organization that encourages relationship building in a fun and open environment through community involvement and activities.  Culture Club meets twice a month and is open to all Exacto employees. The meeting is an open forum, and employees are encouraged to participate in any manner in which they are comfortable. 

What is a Fundraiser Lunch?

Fundraiser lunches are a way that Exacto employees can collect money to donate to community organizations and sponsor activities. Our culture club leaders provide opportunities for employees to plan these lunches throughout the year. The club budget buys the food, but the employees; select the menu, do the shopping, prepare and serve the food, and clean up afterwards. Each person attending the lunch is asked to donate $5 for the meal. Examples of food served are tacos, pancakes, salads, spaghetti, chili, sandwiches, and more. Some lunches include trivia, contests, and other fun games and activities. The Culture Club usually raises a few thousand dollars annually. We are proud of our history and ability to give to others and provide fun lunches to our staff.