Tank Cleaner

Reduce Residue Buildup

Features and Benefit

  • Utilize before changing to the next pesticide,
  • Prevents previous tank-mix solutions from affecting other spray applications.
  • Extremely alkaline pH.
  • Helps to solubilize acid-active ingredients very efficiently.  
  • Reduces carryover of actives, that could cause injury to sensitive turf and ornamentals.  
  • Extend the life of equipment, by removing actives and residues by protecting spraying systems from corrosive residues.
ONSIDE KICK tank cleaner


Packaging Sizes

  • 1 qt
  • 1 gal

Product labels provided here are for informational use only and are not substitutes for the label as found on product containers. Not all products are registered for use in all countries, states, or localities. Check the map below to find if the product is registered in states in the United States.

Regulatory Map

Above is the USA regulatory approvals map for Exacto’s branded products. On the right side is a list (through a scroll bar) of all the products that require regulatory approval. AquiMax is selected by default. De-select AquiMax before choosing the appropriate product. Ensure only one product is selected to see the approval status per product. When a product is allowed to use, the state is colored green. If the state is colored orange, approval is pending. A product is not permitted for use in a white-colored state.

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