Drift Reduction Agent, Deposition Aid, Penetrant

Maximize Efficacy & Minimize Drift

Features and Benefit

  • Improves deposition of spray applications
    • Modifies the size of individual droplet
    • Maximizes the percentage of spray droplets within the ideal size range
  • Improves the efficacy of pesticides & other spray applications
  • Minimizes spray fines that can be carried off target

Regulatory Map

Above is the USA regulatory approvals map for Exacto’s branded products. On the right side is a list (through a scroll bar) of all the products that require regulatory approval. AquiMax is selected by default. De-select AquiMax before choosing the appropriate product. Ensure only one product is selected to see the approval status per product. When a product is allowed to use, the state is colored green. If the state is colored orange, approval is pending. A product is not permitted for use in a white-colored state.

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