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Enhancing Turf and Ornamental Applications with Deposition Aids

In turf and ornamental applications, the effective use of spray applications is crucial for maintaining the health and aesthetics of landscapes. Among the various factors contributing to success, incorporating deposition aids is a critical element that can significantly elevate the outcomes.

Exploring Deposition Aids for Turf and Ornamental Applications

Deposition aids are specially designed additives for spray tank mixes that enhance the overall performance of chemicals used in turf and ornamental care. They work by altering the properties of spray droplets of a tank mix to ensure optimal coverage and efficacy in these settings.

Benefits of Deposition Aids in Turf and Ornamental Care:

1) Improved Coverage: Deposition aids enhance the coverage of the treated surface, ensuring that active ingredients are distributed uniformly, whether on the leaves of ornamental plants, soil, or turfgrass. 

2) Drift Mitigation: A deposition aid reduces the risk of drift, ensuring that the spray remains where it’s intended and doesn’t disperse to unintended areas. This is vital for preserving the beauty of ornamental landscapes and minimizing damage to non-target areas.

3) Enhanced Adhesion: Deposition aids facilitate better adhesion of spray droplets to plant surfaces in turf and ornamental settings. This can reduce run-off due to irrigation or rain and, in turn, boosting effectiveness.

4) Increased Efficacy: The combined benefits of improved coverage, reduced drift, and better adhesion result in higher efficacy of the pesticides, leading to superior pest and weed control.

5) Efficient Resource Utilization: By optimizing coverage and adhesion, deposition aids enable users to maximize the efficiency of their turf and ornamental care inputs. This means fewer chemicals are needed for effective pest or weed control and reduced likelihood of repeat applications.

6) Consistency: The use of deposition aids contributes to consistent application, ensuring that each spray application delivers a uniform level of coverage and effectiveness, which is especially important for maintaining the beauty and health of ornamental plants and turf.

7) Reduced Environmental Impact: By minimizing drift and improving coverage, deposition aids help lessen the environmental impact of chemicals used, preventing them from reaching unintended areas.

8) Regulatory Compliance: Incorporating deposition aids can assist users in adhering to regulatory requirements related to pesticide or herbicide application, ensuring that ornamental landscapes and turf areas are treated responsibly and following any relevant guidelines.

How Deposition Aids Work in Turf and Ornamental Applications

Deposition aids function by modifying the tank mix solution’s properties, specifically the spray droplets’ physical characteristics. They achieve this through various mechanisms:

1) Increased Droplet Size: Deposition aids often incorporate polymers that increase droplet size and weight, making them less susceptible to drift. This minimizes off-target dispersion and ensures that the application remains precisely where needed.

2) Surface Tension Reduction: Many deposition aids contain surfactants or wetting agents that lower the surface tension of the spray solution. This encourages droplets to spread uniformly across ornamental plants and turf surfaces, or penetrate soil more effectively

3) Enhanced Droplet Adhesion: These tank mix aids improve the adhesion of spray droplets to the specific surfaces in turf and ornamental settings, reducing the likelihood of run-off and enhancing overall coverage.

4) Uniform Distribution: Deposition aids guarantee a more even and consistent distribution of active ingredients, enabling adequate exposure of pests or weeds to the appropriate concentration of the pesticide or herbicide, all while preserving the beauty and health of ornamental plants and turf.

Take Deposition to the Next Level with INLAY™ and OFFSIDE™

Exacto offers two products that enhance your pesticide application with improved deposition. INLAY is proven to improve pre-emergence and post-emergence soil treatments, while OFFSIDE delivers in-season drift control while enhancing deposition, reducing the risk of undesired damage, and optimizing efficiency.

INLAY: Increase Pre-emergence Weed Management

INLAY redefines precision weed management in pre-emergence applications. This cutting-edge solution efficiently delivers pesticides directly into the soil where weed seeds reside, keeping them in place for sustained control. Here’s why INLAY is a game-changer:

  • Targeted Precision: INLAY ensures precise active ingredient delivery to the soil, right where the weed seed bank is situated.
  • Sustained Effectiveness: By effectively retaining pesticides in place, INLAY provides long-lasting weed control, maintaining the landscape’s pristine appearance.
  • Enhanced Weed Management: INLAY’s precision is an invaluable asset, ensuring weed growth is stopped at its roots.

Adding INLAY to tank mixes extended crabgrass control compared to herbicides alone.

INLAY is your trusted partner in achieving a weed-free landscape. Its ability to efficiently target and manage weed seed banks sets it apart as an essential addition to your landscape care toolkit.

OFFSIDE: Precision In-Season Applications and Drift Reduction

OFFSIDE is expertly tailored for in-season applications, improving precision and effectiveness. The key benefits of OFFSIDE make it an ideal choice for in-season treatments:

  • In-Season Suitability: OFFSIDE is perfectly suited for in-season applications, reducing the risk of drift and potential undesirable damage claims providing peace of mind for your ongoing landscape care.
  • Tank Mix Compatibility: OFFSIDE seamlessly integrates with pesticide and nutrient tank mixes, enhancing their performance during treatments.
  • Drift Reduction: OFFSIDE excels at minimizing drift, ensuring that your application remains precisely where it’s intended, thus safeguarding your landscape’s well-being.
  • Improved Adhesion: Enhancing the adhesion of spray droplets, OFFSIDE is an ideal choice for in-season applications, ensuring that treatments remain on target and effective.
  • Resource Efficiency: With OFFSIDE, you can achieve excellent results while using fewer resources, which translates to significant cost savings during your landscape care.
OFFSIDE reduces the percentage of driftable fines in spray

OFFSIDE (teal bar) shows increased droplet size (left) and reduced spray drift (right) compared to glyphosate alone (blue bar).

OFFSIDE is your trusted companion for precise, in-season applications, ensuring drift reduction and cost-effective landscape care. Its compatibility with tank mixes and superior adhesion properties set it apart as a valuable addition to your landscape care toolkit.

INLAY and OFFSIDE are dependable choices to refine your deposition in landscape care, providing an extra layer of precision and effectiveness to your applications. Whether you’re seeking to improve coverage, reduce drift, enhance adhesion, or optimize pre- and post-emergence treatments, these products have you covered. When you choose INLAY and OFFSIDE, you’re choosing reliability and quality in your landscape care routine.

Key Takeaways: Why Use Deposition Aids for Turf and Ornamental Care

In summary, the use of deposition aids is an invaluable practice in turf and ornamental applications, offering a range of advantages that contribute to more effective and efficient pesticide and nutrient applications in these specific settings. By modifying the behavior of spray droplets, these aids optimize coverage, enhance adhesion, and reduce drift, ultimately leading to better ornamental landscapes and healthier turf, all while minimizing the environmental impact. Those who employ deposition aids in turf and ornamental see improved results, better resource efficiency, and adherence to regulations, ensuring their landscapes remain lush, vibrant, and pristine.

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